Fall Yard Sale
Open to the public.
Sep 7 2019, 8 am - 12 pm
Sep 7 2019, 8 am - 12 pm
Register Now!The following items may not be sold: weapons, food items, trailers, boats, recreational vehicles, animals, or livestock.
Sellers are limited to one vehicle per purchased space and that vehicle must remain in the lot until the end of the sale. Additional vehicles may park in the adjacent parking lots or on the street and will not be allowed to enter.
Concessions will be available for purchase from the Better Opportunities for Single Service Members (BOSS) program.
The Fort Leonard Wood Thrift Store will be on site to collect donations at the end of the sale.
Sale is open to all sellers and buyers.
- $20 advance registration
- $5 each for tables (advance registration only)
- $25 day of registration
Registration Information
Register by September 5 at the Installation Wide Events Office, located in Pershing Community Center, or online by clicking on the "Sign up" button below.