Sealed Bid Auction
Auction held from 10-13 April.

Apr 10 2024, 9 am - 3 pm
Apr 10 2024, 9 am - 3 pm
Chairs, exercise equipment, games, and more! Stop by the FMWR Warehouse (Bldg 2347 Louisiana Ave) to place your bid!
The Sealed Bid Auction will be held on 10-13 April from 9 am - 3 pm each day. No bids will be accepted after 3 pm on 13 April. Items will be awarded on 15 April.
Click HERE to find images of available items. Please note, all items will be available for viewing at the FMWR Warehouse EXCEPT for the Alignment Machine. That item is located at Auto Skills Center and available for viewing from 11-13 April (during normal hours of operations).
In support of Month of the Military Child, wear purple on Saturday, 13 April, to the Sealed Bid Auction & receive an MWR coupon! *First come, first serve. One coupon per household.