January 30th
Overseas Orientation
8 am
January 30th
Story Time
10:30 am
January 30th
CYS Parent Advisory Meeting
11 am
January 30th
SOLD OUT - Sweetheart Strawberries
January 31st
January 30th
Story Time
10:30 am
January 31st
SOLD OUT - Sweetheart Strawberries
January 31st
Story Time
February 1st
12:30 pm
January 31st
Newcomers Community Fair
Your introduction to everything Fort Leonard Wood has to offer!
11 am - 12 pm
February 1st
SOLD OUT - Sweetheart Strawberries
February 2nd
February 1st
Friday Special
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
February 2nd
SOLD OUT - Sweetheart Strawberries
February 3rd
February 2nd
Young Adventurers Guild
10 am - 12 pm
February 3rd
SOLD OUT - Sweetheart Strawberries
February 3rd
Young Adventurers Guild
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
February 3rd
Saturday Xtreme Bowling
February 4th
6 pm
February 3rd
SOLD OUT - Sweetheart Strawberries
February 5th
February 4th
SOLD OUT - Sweetheart Strawberries
February 5th
Bundles of Joy
2 pm - 4 pm
February 5th